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Kumar Harsh

Design. Develop. Describe.

As a software developer and technical author, I can help you grow your business by building apps and creating high quality technical content for your potential customers and existing audience.

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About Me

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Freelance Software Developer & Technical Author

I am a software developer and a technical author based in India. I love to build robust and scalable MERN applications to solve problems and automate repetitive tasks. When I am not working on a software problem, I prefer to spend my time learning and writing content on technical topics.

I have been active as a freelance technical author for over two years. I have worked with an array of clients in the application performance management and machine learning industries. I prefer creating long-form content as it provides the audience with ample information on the topic as well as performs well in SEO. I have extensive experience in writing long form content as well as web copies with relevant technical and marketing research.

Frontend DevelopmentContent WritingBlog WritingCopywritingGatsbyJavascriptReactGraphQLAWSCloudVirtualization
I can help you scale your customer base with on-point content and web-copies. With my services, you will notice an immediate increase in your lead conversions as well as general web traffic. You can check out some of my previous works below. Feel free to hit me up if you are looking for a high-quality technical author or a software developer specialized in JavaScript based full stack apps.

My Work Stats

100+Finished Projects
20+Happy Clients
5000+Freelancing Hours

Services I Offer

I love building and writing about software, especially when it looks cool. I can help you with your next big tech-related idea!

Software Development

I create high-quality full-stack applications using JAM and MERN stacks.

Technical Content Writing

I can write thousands of words on technologies that fascinate me.

Technical Content Editing

I can spot content errors out from a mile.

Work Samples

The Developer’s Guide to SOLID Design Principles

The Developer’s Guide to SOLID Design Principles

Building stable and robust software is one of the primary goals of any software development project. While it is crucial to keep your code error-free for that, the real strength of your application comes from its foundation—the architecture of your code. In this guide, we will take a look at these design principles in detail.

Comparing Rails Application Performance Monitoring Tools

Comparing Rails Application Performance Monitoring Tools

With the popularity that Rails has always been riding on in the start-up world, it makes all the more sense to look for tools that help you keep your Ruby on Rails application in shape. In this guide, we will look at some of the top APM tools for Rails applications and compare them along some standard benchmarks to help you get an insight into which tool fits your use case the best.

Using aliases in GraphQL

Using aliases in GraphQL

If you’ve used GraphQL for your production application, you may have encountered a scenario where you needed your custom queries to return custom field names. Or, maybe you received two query results in the same server response, causing the field names to clash.

Premature Optimization: Root of All Evil or Rationalization?

Premature Optimization: Root of All Evil or Rationalization?

Premature optimization refers to the process of making a piece of code more efficient when it is too soon to guarantee an optimization. To make it more clear, when prematurely optimizing, you usually spend a lot of time and resources working on parts of your code that will have a negligible impact on the outcome rather than on those things that will heavily affect the final results. Such measures almost always backfire since you miss out on perfecting the metrics that truly affect your business.

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